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Fees for service

Overnight stays:

$35 per day (daytime rate is charged if PU after noon)

$30 per day for stays longer than three weeks

$60 per day for two small dogs in same family


$10 for nails

$7 for teeth cleaning

$15 for nails and teeth cleaning

* Grooming offered only to clients boarding dogs overnight with the exception of nail trimming as we will go to your home for a $15 fee.

Daytime dog sitting & visits:

$20 per day (in our home); $30 for two dogs in same family

$10 per pet visit (Taking care of your pet in your home); $5 extra per visit for each additional dog or cat


*Additional charges for mileage (outside Olds) at $.50 per km.

* Holidays rates apply from Dec. 20-Jan. 3: $50 overnight; $30 daytime. Home visits are $15 per visit.

Dog walking: Price negotiable depending on distance/time

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